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Monday September 30th, 8:30 am GMT 

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Latest Editions

12 Month Shelf Life

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MONTHLY is now available as an interactive digital edition that can be delivered to your desktop PC, laptop, smart phone or tablet at any time. Our magazine has an excellent shelf life for year round reference and referral. If you would like access to our full portfolio call or email today.

Next Edition 

What is coming up in Commercial Property Monthly?

HARD ON THE HEELS of the tremendous success of our latest digital and print magazine, our next edition promises to be even larger - featuring commercial, industrial and retail properties for sale or to let.


Topics will also cover design and build, commercial property finance, property law, relocation opportunities, green & brownfield site developments, land clean-up and remediation, urban renewal, town centre management, inward investment, future projects and much more.

Together with news, views, comments and opinions from:



Estate Agents


Property Solicitors

Property Managers

County and Local Authorities

Enterprise Agencies

Develoment Corporations


Inward Investment Specialists

 Relocation Specialists

Copy Deadline: September


Print, Digital and Online

Published Quarterly

Dedicated Scotland, Yorkshire, The North East, The North West, Wales and The Midlands features.

Insider Content

News, views, comments and opinions throughout the UK.

12 Month Shelf Life

Our magazine has an excellent shelf life for year round reference and referral.

800,000+ Digital Audience

Opt-in SME business to business database from Merrehill Marketing.

Industry Experts

All of our contributors are experts in their field, with years of experience behind them.

Proven results

No one does more to get your sites and buildings let or sold and your services seen!

Would you like to take part with an entirely complimentary 300 word "in my view" headline?

HIGHLIGHTING your various services, recent successes, market trends, property, sites and projects you have new, currently available or on the horizon within our upcoming digital and print editions.

You can enhance your complimentary space with images, logos, infographics, web/email contact details and a more generous editorial coverage at £225 for a half page or £396 for a full page - which also includes a highlighted contents page entry. This fee is waived when advertising.

To encourage customers and clients to contribute with a much larger presentation; we are pleased to offer a 45% reduction when booked directly for any full colour advertisements.

To promote your products or services and take part with editorial, advertorial or a combination simply contact: 

Kevin Phillips

Features Editor

My aim as the Features Editor is to ensure that every magazine delivers compelling content that is detailed and impartial for our readers. I have over 30 years experience within the commercial property sector and continually press to grow a publication that connects as many people as possible within our industry. I always try to focus on the quality of the services that we offer rather than revenue considerations. Our philosophy is "The more you give, the more you get to give" and you will never be charged to access our digital edition and archives.

To date I have been delighted with the relationship we have developed with our ever expanding customer base, some of whom I have known professionally for 35 years.

020 7993 6657

"I welcome the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment and expertise" - Kevin Phillips

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Opt-in Database of 780,000 Records from Merrehill Marketing.

Since launching our hugely successful 'interactive' version of Commercial Property Monthly, our hard copy and digital audience of 32,000 has seen a tremendous increase; with the publishers investing in a new business to business database through Merrehill Marketing, who conform to the stringent DMA, ICO and IDM marketing regulations.

On our behalf our new national marketing partners independently ensures each issue is distributed twice; an inital broadcast, then a follow up circulation to their industry targeted database of 780,000 UK wide indiviudals and SME companies. Principally to: MDs, Owners, CEOs, Directors; Chairmen, Occupiers or Company Secretaries within our industry, who are typically the size and type of company that may relocate, expand, downsize, open a satelite/starter facility or simply invest. Whilst this may seem like a broad approach the feedback has been exceptional and it only takes one or two to respond!

Kevin Phillips

Features Editor, CPM

Complimentary Digital Edition

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